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PvP Server - Dino Painting - Friday 14th @9pm on The Island

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PvP Server - Dino Painting - Friday 14th @9pm on The Island

Post#1 » Sun Jul 09, 2017 9:43 pm

There will be Dino painting on TheIsland server at the pub on Friday 14th July @ 9PM NSW time.
You can transfer your dinos using the Obelisks...

I will be able to teleport you and your dino (make sure you are riding it) to the pub during the event, but its up to you to find your way home (or get a lift)

Limited to 1 Medium/Large dino per player, or 2 small dinos (wolf size or smaller)
If there is low turnout during the 1hr event, then i will be able to do multiple, but please let players who havent been painted yet, first.

Server: PvP Cluster
Map: The Island
Location: Pub (50-50 on map)
Date: Friday 14th July
Time: 9PM NSW time

* note dino painting is using natural colours and will be transferable in breeding.

Refer to this post for dino paint colours and locations
For emergencies such as server going down email: drunkmunki[at]

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Re: PvP Server - Dino Painting - Friday 14th @9pm on The Island

Post#2 » Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:44 am

I also forgot to mention.

It will be streamed on YouTube!

Remember to subscribe to our YouTube Channel
For emergencies such as server going down email: drunkmunki[at]

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