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SoTF Event - 18/Aug/2018

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SoTF Event - 18/Aug/2018

Post#1 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:35 pm

Server: New Server will be setup, but will use the settings for ![AU/NZ] 2v2-80mins-Teams-20xAll-TribeSpectate
When: Saturday, August 18th @ 7pm NSW time, server opens at 6:40pm.
Fee: There is NO entry fee, open to all, but server will be limited to 40 players so first come first serve.
Prize: First player(s) will get a $50 steam card each, Second player(s) will get a $20 steam gift card each.
Additional: The Winning Tribe can choose next PvP Cluster wipe, between 2-4 months

[Additional]: Spectate will NOT be enabled to prevent abuse,
event will be streamed, so please subscribe.
YouTube = ... eINI5mYD6A
Twitch =

Server Name will be: GamingAlliance-Event
Password to join will be: GA2018
password is used to ensure people from the event know about it and not random joins.

Chat from: Twitch and YouTube will be shown, as it will be restreamed on Twitch, there will be about a 10 second delay! make sure you watch your language.

* note if there are less than 6 people playing... the event will be cancelled.

How to Join:
  1. Load up SoTF (its free)
  2. Click "Play Unofficial"
  3. Check the box "show password protected"
  4. Find the server name: GamingAlliance-Event and click join
  5. Enter password GA2018
  6. Wait for players to join, there is a 20min countdown.

- Server will become online at 6:40pm NSW time, game will start between 7:00pm-7:20pm (depends on number of players joining)
For emergencies such as server going down email: drunkmunki[at]

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Server Admin
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Re: SoTF Event - 18/Aug/2018

Post#2 » Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:18 pm

I forgot to mention, you can play solo in this event, you dont need to be in a team
For emergencies such as server going down email: drunkmunki[at]

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Server Admin
Posts: 1094
Tribe: Admin
Status: Offline

Re: SoTF Event - 18/Aug/2018

Post#3 » Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:34 pm

1st: Vossossity & Wolfie (Evo Untamed)
2nd: Smurf & Battle Big boi panties (Vietnaaaam No.11)
3rd: Purtle & Jack Jack (FUCK GW)
4th: Break & Trema (WAKANDA WON AUSARK)
5th: Pumpkin (The Patch)

Official Results can be found at ... -4835.html

Twitch VOD:
YouTube Video:

Well done everyone, hope to see more of you at the next event.
For emergencies such as server going down email: drunkmunki[at]

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