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Server Settings Change

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:57 pm
by DrunkMunki
Ok boys and girls, upon the next reboot of the server;
* Taming Speed is Increased by 2x
* Harvest Amount is Increased by 3x 2x
* Untamed Dino Damage is Increased by 2x
* Difficulty has been Increased (per user poll requests)

let me know if any of this is too much!

Re: Server Settings Change

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:26 pm
by Viles
your 2 much ;)

nah thanks for saving everyone half the time of their lives :) i hope this means more people can build metal to help stop these offline raids :)

What about player experience for leveling?

Re: Server Settings Change

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:37 am
by Nogaxeh
Hmm... just curious as to how that 2x harvesting speed is going to affect things, especially in combination with having the dinos tame faster now.

It may make it more? Arcadey? Is just my general feeling. We found that a lot of things, when you used the right dino for the right job went very very smoothly.

It could also make things like gardens just not worth it, where it seemed, that currently gardens in the scheme of things were undergoing balance changes to make them more viable.

At any rate. Looking forward to seeing how these things change the game. Will report back any feedback we have.

Looking forward to increased diffilculty though :D