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New Server - ARK for EPIC Store only players

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New Server - ARK for EPIC Store only players

Post#1 » Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:20 am

We have an EPIC Store only server if you have friends who have it on epic, this wont be cross play due to mods on the other servers..reduce issues transferring, and more fair to those who play on it.
Its PVE with the same auto learned engrams as the main cluster, 20x stacking.. let me know if theres something need adjusting, or engrams that need to be auto learned... QoL stuff..

Server Name: [AU/NZ]

Note: EPIC Store sale ends in 2days.. and remember to download the Ragnarok map before play, Epic doesnt do it automatically

For emergencies such as server going down email: drunkmunki[at]

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