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Server shutdown

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Dino Master
Posts: 96
Tribe: A.E.S
Status: Offline

Server shutdown

Post#1 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:20 am

Firstly I want to say how sad I am to see Munki has had to close the server because of issues beyond his control.

To all players, new and old , please understand that Munki has taken this step because of his respect for every one of you. Most other admins would have kept the server going without much care for the players..... but Munki is not like other admins, and that is the reason why most of my 1900+ ark hours have been spent on playark.

The server community is great, but it is only because of Munki and the rules he has made that make playark the best unofficial server in Aus.
You only need to look at Munki's post about someone trying to immitate his server as proof this server is No.1.

So please make sure to check back here often as I know Munki will have the server back as soon as he can. Show him the same respect he has shown each of you by repopulating the server when it's back


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