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The Official Dupe

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 10:43 am
by DattoSSS
Ingenuity interests me, and I see a lot of it in Ark. Recently the forums have lit up with the recent cross Ark transfer dupe (duplication glitch) that has arisen on official servers since some recent patches. Basically, in addition to SE tribes transferring Wyverns to non SE servers and wiping everything, players have discovered a way to upload items and dinos and duplicate them on transfer. Wildcard Devs attempted to minimise the impact of this by making fabricated items (vaults, fabricators etc) unstackable in storage, but have a look at this most recent post. There are apparently tribes with vaults full of duplicated items waiting for the dupe and resource collection to be nerfed so they can throw everything in the industrial grinder and get the mats back:

On 16/11/2016 at 0:44 PM, Blackzilla said:
Also on another note, wildcard thought that lowering the stack count to 1 for large crafted items would let this dupe slip under the radar. So say these tribe didn't break any of the duped items down into crafted resources yet and let them sit in their vaults. As the pictures that have been going around they had 150 full stacks of grinders and with the new patch this leaves them with 150 grinders for an example. By breaking those grinders down this is the resources they can get from it.

Metal Ingot 240,000
Crystal 150,000
Cementing Paste 60,000
Oil 45,000
Polymer 45,000


Chem bench is around 18,500 of each main material as well including electronics.

This is a crazy amount of duped resources wildcard have basically just let slip under the rug so to say. They really do need to draw the line and wipe the servers. If they let a dupe go on for so long they have a valid reason to wipe servers.