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Issue with server timeout post-264 update

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Issue with server timeout post-264 update

Post#1 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:39 pm

Hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone else has been having issues jumping into any of the servers after the .264 update?

Haven't been able to jump into the Ragnarok pvp server since it updated as I keep getting a Lost/Timedout connection error. Can join Officials and other unOfficial servers with no issues so thinking it might be a server-side issue. Got a friend playing from the same connection who is able to join with no issues, and I was on right up until the update was ready to go with no issues as well.

Just looking for consensus or to see if it is actually an issue from my side.

Cheers in advance if someone has any ideas.

Ultimate Survivor
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Re: Issue with server timeout post-264 update

Post#2 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 3:22 pm

Hey Shifty

Have a look at the Developers tweets and the official forums, it's a common issue apparently.

Dino Master
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Re: Issue with server timeout post-264 update

Post#3 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:54 pm

I seem to be having the same issue - game crashed as soon as all mods were loaded, now whenever I try to join I get the timeout message - then another message saying someone with the same account is already connected? Wtf even.....

Ultimate Survivor
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Re: Issue with server timeout post-264 update

Post#4 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 6:48 pm

The game will time out, but the server thinks you are still connected. Lasts a few minutes, nothing major

Dino Master
Posts: 58
Tribe: Bronies
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Re: Issue with server timeout post-264 update

Post#5 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 7:40 pm

^ waiting a bit worked, cheers \0/

Ultimate Survivor
Posts: 228
Tribe: Solo Player
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Re: Issue with server timeout post-264 update

Post#6 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:22 pm

Ahh my old tribe name! \0/

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