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Passive Dino Walls + Raid Weekend

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 2:06 pm
by DrunkMunki
Greetings all.
Just a little bit of information for the upcoming weekend.
I will be implementing Ghost Mode for passive dinos during the weekends only.

What does that mean?
Ghost Mode is where you can see a blue outline of your dinos, but rockets, bullets and dinos can walk through them, like they werent there.

The point of the mod was to protect your passive dinos during raids, but due to the wyvern bug and other "creative" exploits such as passive dino walls blocking caves and entrances... exploiting the mechanic... i have decided to make them unusable.
You will need to go to each dino to manually change their settings as i believe whistles may not work while in ghost mode.

You are still welcome to set your dinos to neutral or agressive for defence, but they will stand out more now that you can differentiate which are passive.

feel free to comment below.