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Player Abuse / Harassment

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Player Abuse / Harassment

Post#1 » Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:28 pm

Hey Guys & Gals,
Just letting you know, i just manage the server, i don’t get involved in the politics in-game, with that said....

If other players are verbally abusing others through in-game chat which have nothing to do with the game, that’s called harassment and as its not good for the community and server i will deal with it.

Consider this a warning, the only one you get ... if i get reports of harassment people will be banned,

Also please don’t report players because they said something bad .. this is just a game and ignore what they say and they will go away, Only report players who are constantly attacking you through chat.
If players are talking about others which aren’t on the server .... this is fine, but keep it on the server and don’t go repeating what they say.. it helps no one and causes more tension... remember they're just WORDS.

3c36c7f.jpg (64.14 KiB) Viewed 130271 times

First offence, 24hr ban
Second offence, 7 day ban
Third offence, permanently banned

Be aware i record the chats so i can verify if the report is true or not.

(10:38 PM) REEGZ (REEGZ): game stuff, not real life stuff
(10:38 PM) nahuwot (connossieur): i couldnt give a fuck really
(10:38 PM) Viles (Viles): yeah i dont care
(10:38 PM) Nogaxeh (Nogaxeh): lol
(10:38 PM) Viles (Viles): add me on fb say what you want its water on a ducks feather
(10:38 PM) Deadpool811 (Deadpool811): dont care but bother to type
(10:38 PM) nahuwot (connossieur): for someone to type consistant shit whenever hes on
For emergencies such as server going down email: drunkmunki[at]

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Re: Player Abuse / Harassment

Post#2 » Sat Jul 18, 2015 11:24 pm

Definition of Harassment: To continually message a player in chat or on the forums negative or messages implied to be negative to anger the player.

Definition of Continually: While seeing the player online (or offline) only you engage in a conversation (in game or in the forums) with its sole purpose to anger the player.

Caveats: If the "Harasser"also discussed in game mechanics, tips or strategy with the person being harassed, this negates the harassment unless it makes up the majority of conversations.

Banter: depending on context, will be subject to admins' discretion on whether it is harassment.
For emergencies such as server going down email: drunkmunki[at]

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