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Players Barter Schedule and Sales

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Dino Tamer
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Players Barter Schedule and Sales

Post#1 » Thu Jun 25, 2015 3:22 pm

Hey guys,

seeing as we are a friendly bunch here with some good people with high ranks in game who can unlock all types of goodies others cannot..

Maybe a Forum Thread for Services wanted to Trade... or barter.. also allowing the clearing up in game chat clutter from people advertising such things...

Simply check the forums, post a thread for what it is you were wanting and what you can offer in return, ie. I will make you a Trike saddle (lvl 22) for 350 stone or. level 5 and under can buy metal tools for 100 stone each + Mats.. something that the other player does not have in there ingrams sheet or just plainly comes to an arangement with...

xeg - Offering - Smithy for higher @ NW Map - 50 wood per item manufactured... Terms can be written and displayed here and then reported back to for a AAR advising the rest of the community that either a safe no bs transction went down or... you met tyrone the crackie down near the creek and he tried to mug you.. therefore no one will deal with them again..

xeg - Looking to Trade - 25 Chitin for a set of Hide clothes or something to that effect.

Thoughts ?

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Re: Players Barter Schedule and Sales

Post#2 » Thu Jun 25, 2015 4:41 pm

sounds good, i will look at setting something up
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