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Warfare Tribes?

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Dino Tamer
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Warfare Tribes?

Post#1 » Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:15 pm

So I've noticed a lot of tribes are in a peace ERA at the moment, I love this but Im a raider, ambusher, pvper.

So I thought about making a list that tribes or players can join which puts them in a PVP 'state' for example:

War-faring Tribes-

Cursed Syndicate

NOT War-faring Tribes-

Treasure Hunter

These tribes and players are then allowed to kos each other, raid each others base, ambush etc, this will still follow most of the raiding rules but make it most life like war. example - 2 Spoons members are taming a T-rex, syndicate member sees them while scouting on a raptor, syndicate member sets up with longneck and begins ambushing them.

Tribes can take themselves off this list if need be and only tribes on the list can fight other tribes on the list i.e. Treasure hunters cannot attack spoon because they are not on the list.

Its just an idea so we can get some more pvp going and maybe some more pre-planned attacks/ambushes/taking the element of surprise.

Rules would need to be written up but whats some thoughts?

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Re: Warfare Tribes?

Post#2 » Thu Apr 14, 2016 5:42 pm

PvP KOS is only allowed if its agreed to on the forums by both tribes, and indicating terms of war.

To enable KoS you must publicly announce in the forum the rules of engagement and other tribe must agree, and surrender also posted cancelling the war with tribute.
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