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Brisbane Server being Moved - 29th Sept

Pay attention to this space; this is where server updates, notifications and scheduled downtime are posted.
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Brisbane Server being Moved - 29th Sept

Post#1 » Wed Sep 20, 2017 9:59 pm

My Data Centre in Brisbane is moving my server on Friday 29th September between 11pm-4am, there will be an estimated 30mins downtime during that time.

Games Affected: PvE CLuster and Teamspeak
[AU/NZ] Cluster-The Island
[AU/NZ] Cluster-The Centre
[AU/NZ] Cluster-Scorched Earth

The SoTF servers will also be affected

Due to unknown time server will go offline, there will be rollbacks.. please be wary of this
For emergencies such as server going down email: drunkmunki[at]

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