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The horror of V256

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Re: The horror of V256

Post#21 » Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:38 pm

Ragnarok wrote:

I read that yesterday, personally I think it may have been the idea but I also feel like part of it was just covering their asses after they made a terrible mistake. Take for example, they literally broke the game for SE with people trying to get wyvern eggs. Every bird on there is now too slow to get both eggs and to kite a wyvern into a trap to get milk from it. I think they didn't fully anticipate how much this would completely destroy flyers and on the whole ark. This patch has basically shown people how many issues ark still has that people used flyers to get around. Mining metal was pretty easy on the quetz. Now if you wanted to do it by not flying you would need a caravan of dinos to get anywhere near a reasonable amount. Unless that caravan is going to be made up of rexs or something bigger they will proceed to get stuck on every tree and rock in their path.

If the post is true, then the devs have missed a golden opportunity to gather rational, unemotional feedback from their community. If they would have advertised a week ago exactly what the nerf would be, explained the rationale behind it and gave people the chance to prepare they would harvest objective feedback by genuinely interested players who knew their feedback would shape the rebuilding of the stats. Unfortunately rather than doing a back-burn to control the bushfire, they have dumped fuel directly on it to everyone's surprise. If there is one thing I know about Arkaholics, we hate surprises....

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Re: The horror of V256

Post#22 » Sun Apr 02, 2017 10:26 pm

DattoSSS wrote:If the post is true, then the devs have missed a golden opportunity to gather rational, unemotional feedback from their community. If they would have advertised a week ago exactly what the nerf would be, explained the rationale behind it and gave people the chance to prepare they would harvest objective feedback by genuinely interested players who knew their feedback would shape the rebuilding of the stats. Unfortunately rather than doing a back-burn to control the bushfire, they have dumped fuel directly on it to everyone's surprise. If there is one thing I know about Arkaholics, we hate surprises....

That's exactly it, the dev team have access to twitter, facebook and reddit. They could have floated this idea a long time ago and seen public feedback from a huge amount of users. But no yet again they just change things completely with no consultation and just expect the player to play like nothing has happened.

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Re: The horror of V256

Post#23 » Thu Apr 06, 2017 8:21 am

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Re: The horror of V256

Post#24 » Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:50 am

They should have done it like Blizzard.

This is 2016 and there is no room for amateurish game breaking updates and keeping total silence from the ARK gaming community.

Blizzard has done very well in explaining their game mechanics and will always have a discussion with their player base in what they feel needs to be nerfed or buffed and by no means this sneaking in updates going to change most players opinion on flyers and what they think a "Real" sandbox game should be.

Jen's post is just damage control and it seems to most that they are likely covering their asses from their mistakes instead of saying "sorry".

This post in ARK forums says alot. ... ent=958239

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Re: The horror of V256

Post#25 » Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:25 pm

Eh you all need to get good and stop relying on stupid un-patched exploits that give near limitless resources.

This nerf ***BALANCE*** is a major step in the right direction for the game.

PVP is real again.

Resource gathering is now in balance with the rest of the game.

Learn to use other dinos!

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Re: The horror of V256

Post#26 » Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:35 pm

Funny you should say this when your last two bases have been absolutely pathetic
King_Kiff wrote:Eh you all need to get good

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Re: The horror of V256

Post#27 » Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:51 pm

Ragnarok wrote:Funny you should say this when your last two bases have been absolutely pathetic
King_Kiff wrote:Eh you all need to get good


Your such a nice guy...

I play for a different objective than you do. You like to raid people on the regular and be alpha while you do it. Usually in a rotation or a schedule involving every other tribe on the server. I play for fun, raid for fun and build bases for fun with the objective being good looks and functionality. Heck i can leave my base open for you to take what meager shit I leave behind for you and I loose nothing yet somehow I am the pathetic one... lol... Not once did you find my good gear, not even when I left it in open cupboards in the open and told the whole server. As for my last base that you raided, again offline, I simply give up and walked away from it, only 3 turrets per tower of 18 had any rounds, I cant be effed until the wipe. So yeah... Get good... Relying on the quetz exploit for you "alpha" status is what I see, on the ground 1 on 1 or using land dinos you haven't got shit.


You missed my hidden safe full of ascendant gear TWICE by the way... Hope you enjoyed all that smashing for a few measly CP. But it doesn't matter anyway due to me removing my base, dinos and all my gear as I am off the server until the wipe. Its a cave for gods sake I mean how could you miss it both times? Safes are big... Or where big at the time.

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Re: The horror of V256

Post#28 » Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:18 pm

Upcoming Version: v256.3

Dino Related:
* Flier Mk 2: Click here to see the changes to fliers!
* Ridable fliers (not the Moth) now have ground attacks.
* Leeds spawns adjusted so no longer spawning near shorelines
* Ichthyornis no longer gets stuck in corners of underwater bases.
* Leeds will no longer scale in damage/level etc.
* Therizinosaurus spawn weight and aggro ranged decreased
* Quetz' idle stamina consumption reduced by 50%
* Remove Ichthyornis's ability to steal kibble from dino inventories.
* Certain creatures now have special weight reductions for specific resources similar to the Beaver.
- Mammoth reduces weight of wood by 75%
- Ankylo reduces weight of raw metal by 75%
- Doed reduces weight of stone by 75%
- Beaver and Thorny Dragon now adjusted to 50% reduction for resource-weight (they do a few) due to being a jack of all trades, as opposed to specialising.

UI Related:
* When there is an item in the crafting queue, upon completion the right-click options would close, this no longer happens.
* Updated the UI to include a way to differentiate regular eggs from fertilized eggs, as well as show a health bar and spoiling bar.
* Taming and Fert eggs now display the progress as a %
* Adjusted Blueprint and Engrams colours to help with readability.
* Craft All now correctly displays Craft 100
* Required Engrams no longer clipping and correctly displayed (We've got an Engram page on the way!)
* Placing your cursor over a broken and pressing 'E' now repairs it.
* When adding multiple stacks into an inventory, the stacks force into stacks of the max size (stacks on deck..)
* Placing your cursor over an engram or blueprint in a remote inventory and pressing 'E' should craft it.
* Tribe Log should now appear correctly upon opening the Tribe Manager for the first time
* Adjusted size of UI box on Raft so it's no longer in the way when placing structures
* Fixed an issue where breeding dinos would show 100% regardless of progress
* Fixed an issue where text was overlapping during the breeding process.
* Added an option to turn on the grinder inside of it's remote inventory

* There is now a 0.2s cooldown on meat consumption
* Use ?OxygenSwimSpeedStatMultiplier=1.0 or other value to increase how. Note: does not currently work on Non-Dedicated Servers (will in the next Major Update due to a network data structure replication limitation).
* When using the server-config bPvEDisableFriendlyFire=True, you are now able to harvest a slaughtered Ovis
For emergencies such as server going down email: drunkmunki[at]

Posts: 170
Tribe: Gypsy Vikings
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Re: The horror of V256

Post#29 » Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:20 pm

King_Kiff wrote:"pathetic"

Your such a nice guy...

I play for a different objective than you do. You like to raid people on the regular and be alpha while you do it. Usually in a rotation or a schedule involving every other tribe on the server. I play for fun, raid for fun and build bases for fun with the objective being good looks and functionality. Heck i can leave my base open for you to take what meager shit I leave behind for you and I loose nothing yet somehow I am the pathetic one... lol... Not once did you find my good gear, not even when I left it in open cupboards in the open and told the whole server. As for my last base that you raided, again offline, I simply give up and walked away from it, only 3 turrets per tower of 18 had any rounds, I cant be effed until the wipe. So yeah... Get good... Relying on the quetz exploit for you "alpha" status is what I see, on the ground 1 on 1 or using land dinos you haven't got shit.
I've said this multiple times I don't raid for resources, if I get any great if not who cares I can get my own. If I spend 1000 c4 on a raid and don't get anything back I don't care, if I spend 1000 c4 on a base and don't get in I don't care I see what they have done that has stopped me and try to apply it myself.
Why would I online raid you when you attempted me offline, I'm also built right below metal spawns so there goes your useless without quetz exploit idea. I usually raid people once and then not again the reason I raided you every 2nd week 3 times was the first time I didn't like you, the second time Jefe didn't like you and the third time I did it because I thought and was hoping you may have made it a challenge considering I told you both times where you went wrong and how you should have improved. You have quite possible the second most defendable spot in the whole map and you don't even put a remotely hard to raid base in it yet you tell other players to "get good:.

Posts: 170
Tribe: Gypsy Vikings
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Re: The horror of V256

Post#30 » Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:28 pm

DrunkMunki wrote:- Ankylo reduces weight of raw metal by 75%
- Doed reduces weight of stone by 75%
- Beaver and Thorny Dragon now adjusted to 50% reduction for resource-weight (they do a few) due to being a jack of all trades, as opposed to specialising.
This is exciting and something people have been saying they should do for a long time.

DrunkMunki wrote:* There is now a 0.2s cooldown on meat consumption

And rip people forcefeeding meat, what is every youtuber gonna do now lol

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