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The horror of V256

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Re: The horror of V256

Post#31 » Thu Apr 06, 2017 8:09 pm

FYI I have kept my changes of 70% increased stamina and may adjust depending on feedback
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Re: The horror of V256

Post#32 » Thu Apr 06, 2017 8:38 pm

Ragnarok wrote:
King_Kiff wrote:"pathetic"

Your such a nice guy...

I play for a different objective than you do. You like to raid people on the regular and be alpha while you do it. Usually in a rotation or a schedule involving every other tribe on the server. I play for fun, raid for fun and build bases for fun with the objective being good looks and functionality. Heck i can leave my base open for you to take what meager shit I leave behind for you and I loose nothing yet somehow I am the pathetic one... lol... Not once did you find my good gear, not even when I left it in open cupboards in the open and told the whole server. As for my last base that you raided, again offline, I simply give up and walked away from it, only 3 turrets per tower of 18 had any rounds, I cant be effed until the wipe. So yeah... Get good... Relying on the quetz exploit for you "alpha" status is what I see, on the ground 1 on 1 or using land dinos you haven't got shit.
I've said this multiple times I don't raid for resources, if I get any great if not who cares I can get my own. If I spend 1000 c4 on a raid and don't get anything back I don't care, if I spend 1000 c4 on a base and don't get in I don't care I see what they have done that has stopped me and try to apply it myself.
Why would I online raid you when you attempted me offline, I'm also built right below metal spawns so there goes your useless without quetz exploit idea. I usually raid people once and then not again the reason I raided you every 2nd week 3 times was the first time I didn't like you, the second time Jefe didn't like you and the third time I did it because I thought and was hoping you may have made it a challenge considering I told you both times where you went wrong and how you should have improved. You have quite possible the second most defendable spot in the whole map and you don't even put a remotely hard to raid base in it yet you tell other players to "get good:.

Exactly... You waste all your time grinding away for raid gear and I never loose anything more than what takes 5-10 minutes to fix. Your raids are shit. You never find good gear. Not from me anyway, you don't know where to look or what to look for. You are fooled by simple mechanics. Get good my friend get good. You could have 10K C4 and 10K rockets and still not be any good.

I play for a different objective. You seem to have missed that whole point even though you quoted it. Your not winning any greatness competitions in my eyes. I've seen and played with far better players. What you lack in strategy you make up for in sheer numbers and in game hours.

I wont address you any further on your tween BS e dick swing.

Back on topic the V256 is looking better with the next patch notes, the only problem was that stamina was to low. If they change that it will be perfect.

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Re: The horror of V256

Post#33 » Thu Apr 06, 2017 8:59 pm

- Mammoth reduces weight of wood by 75%
- Ankylo reduces weight of raw metal by 75%
- Doed reduces weight of stone by 75%

Sooooo material weight is reduced by primary dino by 75%, resulting in approximately 4 times material capacity for the dino weight. Transferred to a secondary dino platform for transportation I reckon that's a good deal.

Bring on the OP solo bases!

LATE EDIT: How are you going to trap Quetzals now?

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