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[Closed] Server Wipe?

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Do you want the server to be wiped?

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Re: Server Wipe?

Post#21 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:45 pm

Isn't there some sort of rule about having to use your in-game name for the forums "rob"

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Re: Server Wipe?

Post#22 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:46 pm

Guys can we please just keep this on topic. Make another thread to post your opinions.

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Re: Server Wipe?

Post#23 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:06 pm

Khaledfornication wrote:
King_Kiff wrote:
well me for the first part. You guys (gambit) told me that in private channel in TS that I had to raid muddy or Avant would raid me. Mid raid you (avant) attack me claiming no knowledge and meanwhile a one of your younger members flew by our 8 high stone wall and fired at least a dozen missiles at it leveling 3/4 of it. Only once i reminded them of the rules in TS did they go and check the forums to see that they where in fact in the wrong.

Saturday night. Don't know the guys name or the tribe they are in but it will be in the chat log. "gambit just fly by and grabbed me and killed me without saying anything".

oh here's another good one... Checked my tribe log, apparently we killed some poor saps turtle when neither of my tribe members was on. I would bet my bottom dollar that it's you lot dropping them in my base to frame me for passive killing.

We never told you to raid Muddy that is a blatant lie, why would we defend him if we wanted you to attack him.

Only one rocket was fired at your base before the other members of the tribe realized what had happened and called him away.

Gambit would have initiated using in-game voice chat as usual, the player may not have had his voice volume up or sound on.

The turtle that was killed is from one of our allies that has left the server, no attempt was made to frame you for anything. No other dinos have been dropped in your base.

congratulations 4 lies in a row

gambit was offline whilst the raid was going on so he couldn't do anything by in game voice. I counted way more than one explosion but i guess those came from dilos or something right?

and swear on my mothers life gambit dragged me into a private channel in the TS which he owns and told me to raid muddy at midnight or we'd be raided. Simple as that if you choose not to accept that fact then your blind. Your tribe is a sceeming bunch of liars and your just blind to it or implicit in it. which is it?

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Re: Server Wipe?

Post#24 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:16 pm

I wasn't even online @ midnight friday as i was ddosed offline for over 13 hours; then went to work saturday evening.

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Re: Server Wipe?

Post#25 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:17 pm

No longer replying due to off-topic.

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Re: Server Wipe?

Post#26 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:18 pm

i've been inactive, and as an ally of avant garde i allowed them to sacrifice my turtle, in any regards when im afk avent garde has rights over my buildings and dinos while im afk due to severe work duties i have to perform regulary atm if the ally patch was implemented i would be allied with them already.

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Re: Server Wipe?

Post#27 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:55 pm

There will be no server wipe.
This will be monitored for 1 month and then final decision.
For emergencies such as server going down email: drunkmunki[at]

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