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ORP changes

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Re: ORP changes

Post#51 » Mon Jul 17, 2017 1:02 pm

Stick wrote::roll:

Of course when confronted with the truth you resort to BS.

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Re: ORP changes

Post#52 » Mon Jul 17, 2017 1:09 pm

I agree herb island was great, but at level 35 your kicked into the real world and may remain in wood and stone for several weeks if your a new casual player.

New players need to be nurtured by not only the admin but the people that play on the server, we need alphas to agree that new players should be left alone so they can build and potentially one day be a decent match for an online raid. We have all spent so much time on THIS server and we need to band together and be amicable and find a solution.

Im not saying that this is going to make the servers flourish or that this is the only issue, but we need to do something. There is always going to be bad blood in a game where we invest hundreds or thousands of hours where our neighbors are designed to attack us.

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Re: ORP changes

Post#53 » Mon Jul 17, 2017 1:11 pm

Stick wrote:I agree herb island was great, but at level 35 your kicked into the real world and may remain in wood and stone for several weeks if your a new casual player.

New players need to be nurtured by not only the admin but the people that play on the server, we need alphas to agree that new players should be left alone so they can build and potentially one day be a decent match for an online raid. We have all spent so much time on THIS server and we need to band together and be amicable and find a solution.

Im not saying that this is going to make the servers flourish or that this is the only issue, but we need to do something. There is always going to be bad blood in a game where we invest hundreds or thousands of hours where our neighbors are designed to attack us.

Zero % chance of that happening... Not with the high and mighty attitude you bring to the table, you pretty much demand your way. After calling for players in good standing to be banned. Well, you take a guess at your chances of uniting anything?

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Re: ORP changes

Post#54 » Mon Jul 17, 2017 1:14 pm

Can I call on the Alpha tribes im referring to, to chime in.

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Re: ORP changes

Post#55 » Mon Jul 17, 2017 1:24 pm

Stick wrote:I agree herb island was great, but at level 35 your kicked into the real world and may remain in wood and stone for several weeks if your a new casual player.

New players need to be nurtured by not only the admin but the people that play on the server, we need alphas to agree that new players should be left alone so they can build and potentially one day be a decent match for an online raid. We have all spent so much time on THIS server and we need to band together and be amicable and find a solution.

Im not saying that this is going to make the servers flourish or that this is the only issue, but we need to do something. There is always going to be bad blood in a game where we invest hundreds or thousands of hours where our neighbors are designed to attack us.

So the level cap on herb island just needed to be increased.

Do you remember a player called "Buttstuff" by chance? he was a new player learning the game so i was helping him out as much as i could until me and my tribe member got bored of Ark so i ended up merging with him, giving him the base and all our dinos so he could enjoy the game then he would message me on steam if he had any questions about Ark.
Then i received a message from him saying "Stick raided me" so i log on to check out the damage and i've honestly never seen a base damaged as much as that, And to find out you Quetz bombed it, Pathetic.

End of the story, you yourself have made solo players quit, so don't complain.

Dino Tamer
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Re: ORP changes

Post#56 » Mon Jul 17, 2017 1:27 pm

Stick wrote:New players need to be nurtured by not only the admin but the people that play on the server, we need alphas to agree that new players should be left alone so they can build and potentially one day be a decent match for an online raid. We have all spent so much time on THIS server and we need to band together and be amicable and find a solution.

Im not saying that this is going to make the servers flourish or that this is the only issue, but we need to do something. There is always going to be bad blood in a game where we invest hundreds or thousands of hours where our neighbors are designed to attack us.

I'm not sure if you are just unaware because it wasn't you personally, but the Centre used to have heaps more new players and smaller tribes, all of who one day eventually logged in and said in global "Why did Powerpuff boys hit me, I had nothing good and now I have nothing at all" or something equivalent. Then they left and never came back. I particularly remember one solo player at the time who had bred 6 rexes and didn't realise that when you breed a rex it defaults to attacking target, so when who ever it was from your tribe hit his base, you guys killed all of his new rexes. They said they can't invest this much time if they will just lose it all to alpha tribes and guess what? They left. All this talk about working together, and treating other players fairly, it's completely contradictory to how your tribe acts.

Plus all this talk about online raiding when you and your tribe of 5-6 are still offline raiding a two player tribe at 3 am and during work hours every day, soon you'll be left with no one on the cluster, and then what?

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Re: ORP changes

Post#57 » Mon Jul 17, 2017 1:37 pm

Everybody still wants to make this about themselves.

Lock this thread.

Dino Tamer
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Re: ORP changes

Post#58 » Mon Jul 17, 2017 1:41 pm

Yeah just dismiss the fact you and your tribe offline raid people off the server, which is actually what you made this thread about... Then when is starts coming out that you are part of the problem, you call for a thread lock?

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Re: ORP changes

Post#59 » Mon Jul 17, 2017 1:49 pm

Temporarily Locked

i am temporarily locking this until i can comment when i get home tonight, this is to reduce personal attacks and past grievances not valid this wipe.
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