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Jack + ForkMe

Hello and welcome, why not introduce yourself. Even if its just to say Hi!
Fresh Spawn
Posts: 2
Status: Offline

Jack + ForkMe

Post#1 » Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:50 am

Hey guys,
Just thought I'd finally get around to joining the forum.
I've been playing on this server on and off for a little while. So far I've had nothing but good experiences. Almost everyone I've met in game have been really helpful and friendly.
My partner (ForkMe) and I had a base set up on the East Coast originally but we were raided after not being online for a couple of weeks.
We've now moved up north and I just wanted to give a quick shout out to a guy called 'Crazylegs' who was a big help to us getting started. (If you're on here mate, send me a message)
If you bump into either of us ingame be sure to say hi, as I think we're pretty all right guys.
See you in game,

Dino Tamer
Posts: 36
Status: Offline

Re: Jack + ForkMe

Post#2 » Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:01 pm

hey guys, nice to have you abroad !

please make yourself at home !

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