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New Server Enviroment: Game Types

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Re: New Server Enviroment: Game Types

Post#41 » Tue May 09, 2017 9:51 pm

3 full tribes, which we will have upon wipe is 18/40. Let alone ones we don't know of and other players.

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Re: New Server Enviroment: Game Types

Post#42 » Tue May 09, 2017 10:25 pm

DrunkMunki wrote:- AT this stage i may introduce SE, but with so many servers i will see how the dedicated handles everything, but i dont see why not as its a combat only server.

DrunkMunki wrote:- I do plan to have a creative server, so people can build... this will come later and be invite only (open to current whitelisted players)

Round 2 .... begin!

:D :D :D >:)

A server where I can build creative, and still have an arena for people to throw dodos at each other and shoot at will, Red vs. Blue style? I like this >:)

DattoSSS wrote:The whitelisted server is looking better and better. PvPvE allows me to shoot Builder on sight for suggesting it, then run away into the jungle shrieking like a gibbon whilst he respawns and hunts me down.

:lol: :lol: Watch out Datto! I'll sick my mad dodos on you! ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:

As for the Superspyglass... never used it but it would certainly make breeding easier. At the moment our playstyle is breed en mass and cull, then repeat the process. When I log on I know Jesus has been breeding because there will be row after row of red death of all the baby rexes that didn't meet the 'holy standard' ;)

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Re: New Server Enviroment: Game Types

Post#43 » Wed May 10, 2017 12:44 am

PvP Cluster-

Reusable Plus mod maybe? I know it's been mentioned in the past, it's a small mod and it's incredibly useful if regular pvp, e.g. picking etc. Cave runs with grapples.

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Re: New Server Enviroment: Game Types

Post#44 » Wed May 10, 2017 7:41 am

I am all for the Casual Passive Server - Whitelisted and can agree that myself, CodaCat and Nightmare would love to move over to this server. It is a great idea Munki, especially for those of us who want to play at our leisure. I also feel that adding the password and the cost associated with having a player profile on it will keep away the anti-socials!

I too would love it if you can you allow flyers to carry dinos.

I am really happy with having S+ and Stacker Mods!

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Re: New Server Enviroment: Game Types

Post#45 » Wed May 10, 2017 7:57 am

DrunkMunki wrote:
King_Kiff wrote:From what i have seen, there are many PvE players on the PvP server because of the community, an active admin who doesnt abuse privilege, and a fast stable server.

This is the exact reason we play on your servers. We have been to other PVE servers and the admin are arses! We love you Munki :lol: We have tried playing on LAN or single player and our Mac's (I know, I know) don't allow us to load the game... stupid CPU usage.

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Re: New Server Enviroment: Game Types

Post#46 » Wed May 10, 2017 12:55 pm

nice. i look forward to the pve server
i like just building a funky base and having some dino buddies

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Re: New Server Enviroment: Game Types

Post#47 » Wed May 10, 2017 7:13 pm

Pvp cluster relevant;

Requesting s+ Personal teleporter engram to be removed

Far too retarded.

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Re: New Server Enviroment: Game Types

Post#48 » Wed May 10, 2017 7:33 pm

Leaning more and more towards the whitelisted server personally given my rl commitments atm and what's been written here (thanks again for giving us the chance to share our thoughts Munki). I have no issue getting raided and using that as a learning tool for next time, meaning that I would be happy on the pvp server but that comes down to ensuring I have a few weeks of a 'lull' at work to actually have time to keep up with other pvpers, especially since I'll most likely be solo or with only one other person. Straight pvp also means my bases will look more like boxes most likely and my creativity will be curbed lol.

In regards to the pvpve whitelisted server:

DattoSSS wrote: It will have small issues, I could shoot him then hide in my base untouchable. However I have to come out some time, and thats where the fun should be. With the structure protection 24/7 your biggest time investment, your base, will always be safe as will your precious bred dinos inside. The only risk factor is when you venture out into the big bad world, exactly as it should be for a casual survival player. This server setup is where alliances will be important.

I agree mate. However hopefully given it's a whitelisted server most people will 'play clean' and not be dicks. What I mean by this, is that if I see you building a bridge, or docks for your water dinos or something, I won't be sniping or picking you while you work or otherwise harass you. I may shoot you once with a bow to see how you react, or run up, punch you, drop a free batton and step back to see if you wanna play, but that's it ;)

Gambit wrote:PvP Cluster-
Reusable Plus mod maybe? I know it's been mentioned in the past, it's a small mod and it's incredibly useful if regular pvp, e.g. picking etc. Cave runs with grapples.

Even for the pve and whitelisted servers I can see this as useful. For pvp it'll be handy for raids and caving, and for the other servers it'll be handy for raids and for building complicated/creative things when you don't have a quetz or when a quetz is just going to be cumbersome.

King_Kiff wrote: I will say this. In a PVP no base raiding situation I'd be pretty open to KOS pretty much anyone lol. Could be interesting. Dino losses would become a regular thing. Could be fun the more I think about it.

King_Kiff wrote: If we have no base raiding maybe killing dinos being tamed could be allowed. Babies not inside stables etc.
Anyway, I'm liking what your writing.

This actually troubles me quite a bit, and I wonder what Munki's reaction was on reading these lines as I could imagine it would result in work load he is trying to avoid. As I've mentioned above, and I think someone else has said here on the thread, theoretically a whitelisted pvpve server means that there will hopefully be a reduction in the possibility of 'antisocials' or troll/griefing like behaviour. I would hope that given the clientele on this server, Munki wouldn't have to police it that much or bother with what most people would consider 'obvious' terms of fair play because the players would 'play clean not dirty'.

I mean, I could understand someone's argument of sniping their neighbour's baby giga they see maturing over their back fence as a pvp tactic, because when that little cutie grows up he could munch them. However, in a no base raiding environment (especially one that is for casual players who only have time every now and then to log on), killing another player's passives, dinos mid-tame, or growing babies at their base just because you can seems unnecessary and could go down the path to trolling quite easily. Same could be said of KOS'ing players in such a way that can be considered griefing (i.e.; camping their base and picking them off so they can't really play while you're there). I understand that there can be a fine line between pvp and griefing, but I would have thought that this would be the one server where Munki wouldn't have to spell it out to certain players how to play in such a way that enjoyment isn't hindered for other players. Otherwise, the workload he is trying to avoid might just start building for that particular server just because one or two players decide to cause trouble.

Pvp = fine; but spam killing players while they harvest then killing their harvesters just because you can, or sniping at passives over a tribe's gates, or repeatedly spam killing or extensively caging them for shits and giggles is more in the realms of griefing and shouldn't be the sort of play we see on the whitelisted server considering it's whitelisted. Not accusing anyone here, but your post I've quoted here Kiff did make me start thinking about these things that I hope won't occur on this server.

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Re: New Server Enviroment: Game Types

Post#49 » Wed May 10, 2017 8:02 pm

Gambit wrote:Pvp cluster relevant;

Requesting s+ Personal teleporter engram to be removed

Far too retarded.

agreed. simply OP

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Re: New Server Enviroment: Game Types

Post#50 » Wed May 10, 2017 8:14 pm

Builder wrote:SNIP.

They way I look at it is if bases cannot be damaged then there simply is no excuse to have a baby outside or in the open, heck even a thatch box will suffice. As for KOS, I'm not kind of player that would kill a tame if I killed the player and it just sat there on passive. If they fought back on it then I probably would. I would say in a server with no base damage and very little rules there is no such thing as griefing. You can be completely safe inside a box and nothing can hurt you, but step out into the wild and you risk what you take with you. I think that's the whole purpose of having a whitelisted server, awesome PVP with the ability to be safe at home and no have your base trashed. Not suggesting killing passives one bit. But tames in progress should need to be defended and maybe downed in a more tactical location to help this (don't forget a thatch hut is invincible). Babies are a major investment and should not be left anywhere in the open, why should I let someone leave a potential me killer grow up safe and sound in the open. Don't forget with no/limited rules and faster tame rates etc. there is going to be a lot more straight up PVP going on and your previously safe metal runs now present a risk.

It's going to be great stop worrying.

Time to survive.

And I fully expect shit loads of PVP directed at me, people camping my base for the sniper lols etc. and can't wait.


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